Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Pastry

Zhua-Zhou Event

In Chinese tradition, baby’s first birthday is one of the most memorable day for every family. It also marks the day that baby has grown up and old enough to start explore around the world. Therefore, a Zhua-Zhou event will be held as a celebration and also as a trial. Babies will be presented with twelve objects, which all represents different vocations. Babies will draw three of the toys and that implies the future vocation of the babies.
Zhua-Zhou Event
Jiu Zhen Nan Han Pastry House has held the Zhua-Zhou event since 2017 and continues to bring love and joy to all the families on the babies’ first birthday. The traditional presents, red tortoise pastries (oval shaped fluffy bread with red coloring on the outside) are prepared so as to share the birthday joy among their relatives.
Zhua-Zhou Event

For more info please refer to: the link.
